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When you host a party or family reunion, the special celebrations let
you streng then bonds with

Pokój nr 25

480 / doba

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

4 - osobowy pokój

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

1 - ilość łóżek w pokoju

Pokój nr 24

280 / doba

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

2 - osobowy pokój

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

1 - ilość łóżek w pokoju

Pokój nr 22

480 / doba

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

4 - osobowy pokój

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

1 - ilość łóżek w pokoju

Pokój nr 17

280 / doba

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

2 - osobowy pokój

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

1 - ilość łóżek w pokoju

Pokój nr 16

280 / doba

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

2 - osobowy pokój

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

1 - ilość łóżek w pokoju

Pokój nr 15

280 / doba

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

2 - osobowy pokój

Pensjonat Orle**. Wyjątkowe widoki wypoczywaj z nami.

1 - ilość łóżek w pokoju

About us

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem isn’t simply random text. It has roots in a of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Avalon’s leading hotels with gracious island hospitality, thoughtful amenities and distinctive .

Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage …

Master Bedrooms

Sea view balcony

Pool & spa

wifi coverage

This is the only place to stay in Catalina! I have stayed in the cheaper hotels and they were fine, but this is just the icing on the cake! After spending the day bike riding and hiking to come back and enjoy a glass of wine while looking out your ocean view window and then to top it all off...

This is the only place to stay in Catalina! I have stayed in the cheaper hotels and they were fine, but this is just the icing on the cake! After spending the day bike riding and hiking to come back and enjoy a glass of wine while looking out your ocean view window and then to top it all off...

This is the only place to stay in Catalina! I have stayed in the cheaper hotels and they were fine, but this is just the icing on the cake! After spending the day bike riding and hiking to come back and enjoy a glass of wine while looking out your ocean view window and then to top it all off...

Our events
